This crossword puzzle, released on December 3, 2018, contains words with mixed themes. Only 40 words. Unravel it!

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  1. Tax not paid on time
  2. Wheel base
  3. It can be found under a car tire
  4. Followed by a game that determines the winner of the tournament
  5. Relatives of the lama
  6. Pipe with a fidgeting curtain rod
  7. Peak season
  8. Port in Sweden
  9. Mountain sheep
  10. One of the names of sweet corn
  11. Military engineering structure
  12. Full session
  13. Gate in the house
  14. Frost - red ...
  15. Athena made herself a flute out of its wood
  16. Rumor, noise, language
  17. Tart plum
  18. is a frequent autumn-winter diagnosis
  19. He is respected and often quoted
  20. Feeding plants with water


  1. Forage grass
  2. curvy build, crease on dress
  3. Jury rating
  4. Tropical wattle fence
  5. Orthodox Monk
  6. Outdated letter name
  7. Baikal delicacy
  8. English neighbor
  9. Breakfast is just the thing!
  10. The City on the Seven Hills
  11. Cry, appeal, request for help
  12. Green area in the metropolis
  13. Administrative division in Greece
  14. Soviet and Russian writer, playwright, screenwriter, professor at VGIK
  15. Respect for the master
  16. is a frequent measure in epidemics
  17. Pounding in a mortar
  18. Fast food chain in the USSR
  19. A narrow channel or bay in the lower reaches of the Volga
  20. river Call 01, 02 or 03 this...
  21. Arm or wing movement

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