We offer you a crossword puzzle in which you need to guess 38 titles of poems and poems of the wonderful Russian poet A. S. Pushkin. Those who are familiar with the poetry of Alexander Sergeevich will, of course, be easier to do this. However, the hidden list also includes works that are not as well-known as others.

Below is a list of questions for the crossword puzzle. Each question is duplicated in the answer window when you select a word in the crossword puzzle field. If you are not used to solving a crossword puzzle online, but like to sit with a pen or pencil, filling out the cells with words manually, then you can print out the crosswordpuzzle.


  1. In the dark moments of the fatal illness, did you, gentle virgin, stand over me?..
  2. He was cleaning the horse with a scraper, and he was grumbling, angry beyond measure...
  3. He bites, and throws, and looks out of the window, as if he's planning the same thing with me...
  4. And, darker than the black night, he lowered his terrible eyes...
  5. I am moved, silently, tenderly admiring you, like a child!..
  6. Leaning on the steering wheel, our clever helmsman drove a heavy chuln in silence...
  7. My spring and summer are red forever gone, and the trace is gone...
  8. October has already arrived - the grove is already shaking the last leaves from its naked branches...
  9. This meadow, covered with fragrant ricks, where bright streams in the bushes rustle...
  10. She looks around at herself: she has no rivals, no friends...
  11. He flew past like a whirlwind, and Natasha was dead...
  12. Whether the beast roars in the deaf forest, whether the horn blows, whether the thunder thunders...
  13. Its meadows are vast, there the herds of his horses graze freely, unharmed...
  14. Then some evil genius came to visit me secretly...
  15. Will you be born in me, the blind passion of glory, you, the thirst for death, the fierce heat of heroes?..
  16. Blizzard angry, blizzard crying, sensitive horses snore...
  17. Our laborer was not very rich, and he could not go to hell for his pomp...


  1. To the Holy Lady the swimmer bears his gift with reverence...
  2. Sons of misfortunes, passions, and infirmities, we are all condemned to the dreadful grave when we are born...
  3. You saw a virgin on a rock, wearing a white robe over the waves...
  4. God's throne was once again clothed with a cloud, The Winged Legion of spirits has risen...
  5. Like a hellish ray, like the lightning of the gods, the silent blade shines in the eyes of the villain...
  6. My soul, enfolded in longing, finds bitter pleasure in it...
  7. But the colors are alien, with years, fall off with dilapidated scales...
  8. And I listened to the trembling of the sky, and the flight of the angels on high...
  9. Alone you cast a sad shadow, alone you sadden the exultant day...
  10. But you rose, you leaped, you roared with thunder and glory...
  11. And a series of victories over him flies one after the other...
  12. From the threshold of life in the distance, I looked impatiently...
  13. Although their appearance is beautiful, the beauty beckons, but the path to them is dangerous-the poor thing is afraid...
  14. He paused. Gasub looks hurriedly at the boy...
  15. Did you recognize a friend? He's not what he was, But I haven't forgotten you, my friend...
  16. The people, mysteriously saved by you, scolded your sacred gray hair...
  17. Come, like a distant star, like a light sound or a breath...
  18. Otsele I see the birth of streams and the first terrible avalanche movement...
  19. The nature of the thirsty steppes gave birth to him on the day of wrath...
  20. Windows to the cheerful garden, where linden trees are old and cherry blossoms are blooming...
  21. The spirit of denial, the spirit of doubt, looked upon the pure spirit...

Good luck!

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