A great simulator of erudition and vocabulary. Although the database, as usual in this game genre, is not perfect, the basic set of words is there. But finding words in this game is more difficult than in similar ones. The fact is that the letters are randomly scattered on a square table, and to collect a word, you need to find and connect its letter sequence.

Connect the letters sequentially, starting with the first and ending with the last. Just click on the first character and drag the pointer through the rest, not forgetting to grab the final letter. Of course, in such a variety, it is difficult to immediately identify the correct words, with a cursory glance, only some gibberish is visible. You will have to study the table more carefully, carefully looking at each letter and its surroundings.

Note that you can only connect (include in the dictionary sequence) letters that are adjacent diagonally, vertically, or horizontally. You won't be able to extract characters from different places in the table. The selected word immediately appears in the list of found words, which is located next to the playing field. If the word is present in the program database, of course. If there is no such option, then the list is not updated.

Please note that you don't have much time. The time bar passes quickly. However, you should not follow it — it distracts from the main thing.

The scoring system is similar to that in the game Scrabble. Each letter has its own weight, expressed in points. The sum of the weights in the list of found words will be your result. The game allows you to search for words not only in Russian, but also in French, English, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. This feature will be appreciated by players who study these languages. Very useful for training, believe me! We wish you a pleasant stay, friends!

You can play the game 2-LETTER WORDS online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.