Of rummi card game combinations. Whose hand will ultimately be stronger, he will be declared the winner. And who is this someone, the question. Your opponent, as the name implies, will be a cowboy. Of course, it's a virtual opponent controlled by the program.

What kind of card combination such that there is need to collect? Something they are similar to poker. For example, consider is the three unsuited cards of the same rank. Four same — even stronger. Suited cards in a row: three — strong, four — more, well, five is super hard!

What gives? Points! The more points you have, the closer you are to victory. On the contrary, a small amount of points or no composed of combinations to take away points. Same rules apply for Your opponent.

The game Mechanics are simple. The player is dealt 10 cards. One open and spread next to the deck. In turn, the players choose the upcard or a card from the deck and studied his hand for possible combinations. If something is afoot (for example in the hand already have 2 Queens), the player tries to get the rest. The round closes when one of the players took all the hand combinations. After scoring, participants move to the next stage.

Rummy is not often found among fans of card games, however, recommend that you look to the game.

Download flash player, to play the game.

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You can play the game COWBOY RUMMI online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.