Hello, dear fans of building towers from moving floors! Welcome to the construction site. As you can see, the foundation and first floor of the tower have already been built. Well, you will have to build further. Here everything is familiar, for those who are on such construction sites not for the first time. The floor that needs to be placed on top of the constructed structure is actively moving from right to left and vice versa, from left to right. The builder, that is, you, just need to click the mouse in time (or tap if you are playing on a smartphone or tablet).

Let's find out what this on timemeans. This means that you must choose the moment when the borders of the moving floor exactly coincide with the borders of the previous one (the one at the very top of the tower under construction). When clicked, the floor stops and is fixed. If you manage to secure it so that the boundaries of the last and installed floors coincide, then you will receive a solid bonus. Well, if the accuracy bypassed you, and the floor stood unevenly, then there will be penalties. Among them are pruning the set floor level with a part of the previous one, and increasing the speed of movement of the next floor...

As you can see, the penalties for inaccurate construction are draconian, especially in terms of trimming floors to match the size of previous ones. This, in fact, affects the duration of the game. Over time, the width of the floor becomes so small that it is no longer possible to place the next one. Then the game ends.

But do not be sad, there are also bonuses for construction. In addition to rewards for accurate installation, there are also rewards for the height of the built tower. All sorts of useful options are offered to help the builder player, but they must be purchased separately with the funds earned in the game.

Well, friends, practice building high towers and have fun with the process. Have a nice game!

You can play the game TOWER online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.