Bright urban landscapes involuntarily force you to admire yourself, lulling your vigilance and attention. This is where the bet is made. Try to take your eyes off the old architecture, from the flower beds in the city square, from the beautiful sights...

However, if you want to win, you will have to gather and in all this splendor of the city, find the numbers in these photos. All: from 1 to 30. Needless to say, numbers are not multicolored objects that are not so easy to leave unnoticed. The figures are sprayed with almost imperceptible paint and very well disguised. Look everywhere: in the shadows of windows and trees, on walls and poles, on paving slabs and lawns-everywhere!

The game has 10 levels. 5 minutes are allocated to complete the level, which is clearly not enough time to find all the numbers. You can use the hint (the button with the same name). You will see a number in the red circle that appears. Do not hesitate — there are no penalties for using hints. But for an error with the definition (clicking on a place where there is no number), they are fined by subtracting 5 seconds from the remaining time. Be careful not to click anywhere.

You can play the game FIND NUMBERS IN A CITY online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.