This brave bull is extremely resourceful, but it is hereditary. His resourcefulness is transmitted only from you, dear player. His goal is simple — to get to his favorite cow, avoiding all obstacles on the way. Since this is a puzzle, the means to achieve the goal are somewhat clever. There are blocks with springs, manipulating which you have to deliver the bull figurine to the pen where the cow grazes.

The first level will clearly show you how to play, as it has a short training animation built in. In the future, blocks will expand their properties, and the number of their types will increase. However, we will not waste your time telling you about the operation of this or that mechanism — you will figure it out for yourself. We will note only the essential details — the time and number of moves. If you used all the mechanisms of the level, and the bull did not get to the cow, alas, you will have to replay — something you did not take into account. And if you did everything right, but thought too long about the decision, you will not get a single bonus star for the speed of the game. Time scale linked to asterisks at the top, to the right of the level number. If you want to get three stars, hurry up!

In addition to mechanical obstacles, other animals may be present in the bull's path, and collisions with them are best avoided. Calculate the movement so that the bull is not close to them.

You can play the game BRAVE BULL online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.