In one small town is the clock tower. For several decades, these watches show the reference for the residents of the city. The townspeople are accustomed to him, and every day to check the readings of their watches with the arrow on the tower. And so, in one day the clock stopped. Inside broken worn out mechanism. It is urgent to renovate the chronometer, and all inhabitants as one, rushing to help watchmakers to do it.

This is a game with the search items. People, virtual characters from the game will contact You with a request to find a particular thing. Your task is to make it as fast as possible, because the speed of the search depends on the forming of your opinion. Will you act on behalf of the partners of the ROS and Larry. Citizens who come to You, complain about the sense of loss in time. While the clock on the tower are, as time has stopped — they complain.

Search for the required items in the picture as quickly as possible! You can use the magnifying glass (Zoom in). Sometimes it is required for a more accurate search, and sometimes it's just necessary because the naked eye right things just are not visible.

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