Music is not only beautiful, more often it is unbearably disgusting. A punk band that consists of girls who went to Hell. Dissatisfied with this state of things, the girls decided to escape from this awful place, since they are so hideous cacophony that can kill your music demons. It's a tactical RPG, you control a punk band and have to survive for many waves, hold down the left mouse button on the member of the group and drag it to where you want to move.


  • Guitarist distracts opponents and has great health.
  • the
  • the keyboard player does much more damage in melee.
  • the
  • Girl trumpet player shoots at the enemy from a distance.
  • the
  • the Soloist treats the other members of your group.

Each of the girls has special techniques, they can only use one per wave, and they further reinforce their role (player gets the shield, the soloist treats all at once etc).

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