Obviously, the authors couldn't find a better name for their brainchild. They called it mahjong simply: 10 Mahjong, well, that's their right! Such thoughts may arise at first. However, it is not meaningless, but just on the topic. What is interesting about this puzzle game?

You need to search among the neatly arranged dice-knuckles such that the sum of trace elements on which is equal to ten. For example, on one 6 circles, on the other-4, or on one 3 sticks, and on the other 7 of them. Etc. When choosing a pair, the same type is important. You can not, for example, put together circles and bamboos (sticks).

By clicking these dice in pairs, you will remove them from the table, one step closer to victory. You can get out of the game as a winner if you can completely disassemble the construction of these cubes offered on each of the 15 levels. Please note that the gameplay is complicated by a constant lack of time.

You can play the game MAHJONG 10 online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.