The best days in life to celebrate in a big way. A costume party is one of the best ways to celebrate the important day. A year has passed and again came the feast of Holy Christmas. Let's help cute girl to create a beautiful Christmas costume for the holiday party. Select all the parts for future creations. Find your favorite coloring and drawing for it. To create a costume you only need a mouse.
To begin, select the first stage. Here you need to click, holding the mouse button and keep the cursor in the specified direction. Then You come to the stage minigames, here you need to draw and cut parts of the costume on the dotted line. When you do, you can decorate a new suit. Now are you ready for this miracle!
Download flash player, to play the game.
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Games for tablet and smartphone
You can play the game FASHION DESIGN FOR CHRISTMAS online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.