Quick math or a skill game — in this auction, you will be the lead auctioneer. Who succeeds in this difficult profession? The one who is quick and attentive, the one who knows how to quickly see the best price offers in a crowd of buyers.

Imagine that the next round of an auction is underway, and the auctioneer asks buyers to declare their intentions. Those interested raise signs with prices for which they are willing to buy the product. In a matter of moments, the auctioneer must find the best one among them. Customers are nervous people and can change their minds very quickly. If the auctioneer doesn't find the best price, that's all, the round has failed, and according to the auction rules, the product will go at the price of the previous round.

That's exactly the kind of work you'll be doing here. Items for bidding will be displayed automatically, they appear from the chest. And your avatar here is an old man with a hammer at the pulpit — it is he (under your command) who leads the auction. All sorts of things are put up for auction: sweets, test tubes with elixirs, berries, brains, chocolates and other things that no one will be interested in nowadays. But this auction is medieval, so a real hunt can start for a simple candy. Here you need to be very careful and efficient to sell it more expensive.

If you showed yourself to be a great specialist during the next auction, then a new product can be thrown into your chest for the next round. In general, the process is exciting! It's just a pity that the time to search for the best price tag is very short. Moreover, the higher the price, the less time it takes to make a decision... But it's like a sport...

You can play the game AUCTION online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.