Not so much, as it turned out, mahjong connections with classic Shanghai icons on the tiles. Recently, developers strive to place anything on the knuckles, but not the classics. So this version of mahjong-connect is just with the traditional, Shanghai set of dice, well, maybe with small adjustments. Such pictograms still bring the game closer to mahjong.

This is a flash version in Chinese (Korean or Japanese) — it's hard to understand, but you don't need to understand anything except the rules for disassembling bones. As in other connections, the main rule is the ability to connect a pair of identical knuckles. This feature is checked easily. If you can make a rectangular route from one bone to another with no more than 2 turns, then you can connect these tiles. If there are 3 or more turns, then you can't connect them. Of course, the drawings on the bones should be the same.

In this version of the game, service functions are successfully implemented. You can use at any time (but not more than once per turn): scissors (Delete-to remove interfering tiles), search for a pair (Search - highlights 2 available dice) and shuffle (Shuffle-shuffles the remaining dice on the field). But perhaps the most advantageous difference between this flash game and its analogues is the lack of a timer. This is a mahjong connect without time! This is rare.

So, are you ready? A large die on the left side of the start screen starts the game. Here we go!

Flash player plugin is not supported still Feb.21.

Alternative game you can play right now:

Mahjong Connect: Birds

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Games for tablet and smartphone

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