In many American films, there are huge cars, or rather the cars themselves are not so big, they are often based on the bodies of ordinary SUVs, but the wheels and overall dimensions of such cars are impressive. There are even special shows in which these monsters on wheels run over long rows of simple cars, moving on their roofs, as if on an ordinary uneven road. And what you want — the wheels allow it. In this flash toy, you will be able to control one of these giant trucks, driving it on a cross-country road and running over cars that seem to be small bumps under the wheels of this monster. We warn you, do not try to conduct such experiments in real life — no insurance company will pay your debts later, but everything is possible in the game. Let's go!

Flash player plugin is not supported still Feb.21.

Alternative game you can play right now:

Monster Truck Racing

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Games for tablet and smartphone

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