Rare monkey turns out to be in such places. See: forest of downy young trees, the little fawn, wooden hut. Though again night, but it doesn't look as creepy as somewhere in the cold mountains or in the neighborhood with the darkness of the dungeon. Monkey in the series the quest is still very young, again confused. No, the surroundings and the local scenery quite like it, but the unsolved problem is causing her anxiety. Sobbing, the monkey asks You to help her deal with the situation.

Taking this 87-e the matter monkey? Then immediately catch the eye the scattered acorns. Who would want that? Certainly not the deer he not shows them the slightest interest. Then who? Can be in the cabin there's someone, who needs them? Open it and find out. And, of course, is not superfluous to know that you need this sweet fawn. After all, as often happens, the wish-fulfillment character in the first scene leads to the successful completion of the entire game. The case, Holmes! Cheer the monkey!

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