The name Real is difficult to comment on, it is not clear what the authors meant. Perhaps the word means that this mahjong belongs to the classic Shanghai pyramid schemes. Yes, and the drawings on the bricks in the game are as close as possible to the good old classics Indeed, there are bamboos, dots, symbols, and cardinal directions — everything that we used to associate with the ancient mahjong dice.

Among the 18 layouts offered to the player, there are both traditional ones: turtle, amphitheater, tower, well, and less common ones: rings, rhombus, pyramids, and others that you can't immediately find names for. The tiering of buildings is diverse, but, as a rule, among all layouts, the concept of placing a large number of tiles (144) on a small area is maintained, which dictates the need to build from 3 or more tiers. Undoubtedly, this increases both the difficulty and interest in disassembling mahjong.

Among the tiles in the layouts, there are also empty ones — without any drawings at all. They are removed in the same way as the rest — in pairs of identical ones. That is, to escape from the mahjong construction of one empty, you need to find a pair to it — another empty. We remind you that when choosing a pair, it should be remembered that not only dice with identical patterns can be considered paired, but also some of the same type. To check whether they are paired or not, just select both in sequence, and if they disappear, then you have identified the pair correctly, if not, look for the other one.

Mahjong Real is a time-wasting game. The stopwatch in the upper-left corner only counts your statistics. The Hint and Mix buttons can be used if disassembly is difficult. The number of their use is not limited. If the sound interferes, turn it off. Successful analysis!

You can play the game MAHJONG REAL online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.