The adventures of the monkey continue with the preservation of the plot. She is unhappy, you take some steps to cheer her up and solve the quest, after which the monkey becomes happy.

The 101st part of the quest took the monkey to a small town with narrow, cobbled streets. It's getting dark, and the lanterns are already lit. The first person who catches the monkey's eye is a townsman in an old, dilapidated raincoat. It is impossible to determine its gender — it is either an old lady or an old man. Be that as it may, this character wants to get as many as 24 cards. If you look closely, these maps are scattered here in almost every location. Well, fulfill his (her) wish and collect them all. It seems that this is the main goal of the series.

Well, in the process of searching for the required maps, you will have to examine everything here carefully. Unlock doors and combination locks, enter the apartments of local residents and find items that will help solve the quest. Think, explore, and be observant, as every little detail can make a difference here. Find all the cards and don't forget to hand them over. Happy monkey is the true goal of your research. Can you make it so?

You can play the game HAPPY MONKEY 101 online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.