Among the numerous doping scandals of the recent increase, not surprisingly, soon after the Olympics, you will not see any animal! Doping people take. In General, modern sport has become like a race of pharmaceutical companies. Whose chemistry is stronger and safer for prohibiting doping leaves, and he wins. Athletes sometimes are not even aware that they are being prescribed, what pills they eat. Sad. But in this game with baby animals, preparing to become Olympic Champions, it's different.

From early morning until late at night, observing the regime and diet, they are working hard, doing everything to become agile and strong. Training and training, strategy and tactics, proper and timely rest is the key to success at the Olympics, they say. Of course, if the Bear, for example, would know that the Hare sits on a powerful stimulant, and something to fight with him on equal terms, without such injection is pointless, who knows, perhaps he also went to doping, but here in the game, doping is prohibited. Absolutely!

Help animals to prepare for the most important competitions for the athletes. Train in swimming, racing and running. Win Olympic games and prove to people that win without doping, though more complicated in preparation, but a much sweeter taste!

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